Patent, copyright, industrial design right and trademark registration set the legal framework for any mature enterprise to define itself as an equal, responsible player in the knowledge economy. It is not too difficult to find an example of one who losts his brand name or his precious trade secrets to a competitor due to piracy, counterfeiting, or even an infringement claim, but little awareness is raised about disadvantageous effect resulted from misguided, incomplete protection. Working with intellectual properties requires a comprehensive, strategic approach to deal with complicated issues in which a single decision can lead to huge difference in investment, and a minor slip could be of serious loss for a company in the future. That is why Daitin & Associates commit to prioritize effectiveness and competence to all of our clients.
- Patent management: we come up with patenting strategy, i.e. which, how, what, when to do patenting. We manage patent portfolios and patent validity. We ensure that all technical platforms, such as annuity payment or patent amendment, are in place.
- Patent-related juridical acts: we advise and act on behalf of clients in preparing and prosecuting patent applications of inventions and utility models. We manage patent infringement claim. We employ juridical and administrative channels in enforcing patent rights.
- Patent exploitation: we advise on commercial transactions including licensing and franchising. Especially with profound scientific background, we proactively assist clients in exploitation of expired patents and locally-unprotected patents.
Field of expertise:
- Mechanics
- Chemistry & Nanotechnology
- Life Sciences-Pharmaceuticals
- Electronics and Computer Technology
- Providing patent searches.
- Advising on strategies for patent protection.
- Preparing and prosecuting patent applications (inventions, utility models).
- Pursuing judicial review of administrative decisions at the court.
- Advising on patent validity and patent infringement.
- Enforcing patent rights through judicial and administrative channels.
- Advising on patent related issues arising in commercial transactions including licensing and franchising.
- Providing patent annuity payment and reminder services.
- Managing patent portfolios.